
v12.0 - Last Mod.: 08/16/2022
By means of workflow management content is checked by selected editors before publication, and afterwards confirmed or rejected. Due to this control entity the publication of unwanted content is avoided, which improves the quality assurance of your web portal. Precondition: To make use of the workflow function, there has to be registered at least one editor to whom the stories can be assigned. Therefore, at least one user has to occupy the user role "editor". This overview shows which editors currently have stories in their workflow (which they still have to check and release) and which editors have not. Thus, you can see where free resources are available, and accordlingly assign new workflows.
Note: In this menu you administrate workflows and editors. You unlock the stories mainly in the area Website & CMS > Stories > Check & Approve. To work in this area please log in as "Content Manager" or "Portal Master."

1. Workflows

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Workflows.
  3. In the navigation on the left, below Workflows click Overview.
In the area Editors having no story in a workflow all editors are listed, who are integrated in a workflow, but who have no story to check at the moment.
In the area Editors having a story in a workflow all editors are listed, who wrote a story which has to be approved.
  • Name Shows the name of the editor.
  • Email Shows the email address of the editor.
  • Workflow Type Shows the workflow type which is assigned to the editor.
  • Edit By clicking the icon you get to the editing mode.
  • Details By clicking the icon you can view some details of the stories of editors which are in the workflow.
Note: If no names are listed in both areas, the role "Editor" was not assigned yet, q.v. 2. Editors.

1.1 Assign Editor to Workflow Type

  1. In the Overview in the area Editors having no story in a workflow choose the editor to whom you want to assign a workflow type.
  2. Click the icon Edit.


  1. In the area Current Workflow Type you see the workflow type assigned to the editor so far.
  2. In the area Selection choose the desried workflow and activate the particular option.
    The follwoing workflow types are available:
    • Express Editors that are assigned with the express workflow type publish their stories without any further approval. The editor alone controls and validates the content.
    • Trusted Editors that are assigned with a trusted workflow publish their stories directly into the portal. The story will be checked against the Banned Words list. If this check reports a hit, then the story will be sent back to the editor for further modification.
    • Standard Editors that are assigned with a standard workflow type publish their stories to a controller first. The story gets published in the portal when the controller approves the story within a given reaction time. If the controller disapproves the story, it will be sent back to the editor for further modification. If the controller does not make a decision within the specified reaction time then the standard workflow will be converted into a trusted workflow to avoid any delays.
    • Security Editors that are assigned with a security workflow publish their stories to the first controller. If the first controller approves the story then it will be sent to a second controller. If the first controller doesn't approve the story, it will be sent back to the editor for further modification. If the first controller doesn't make a decision within a specified reaction time, then the story will be sent directly to the second controller. Once the second controller approves the story, it gets published into the portal. If the second controller disapproves the story, it will be sent back to the editor. If the second controller doesn't make a decision within a specified reaction timeframe, then the standard workflow will be converted to a trusted workflow to avoid any delays.
  3. Click the button Next.
    Depending on the chosen workflow type you have to select the controller(s).
  1. From the selection box Controller choose the controller.
    Note: Controllers are users with the roles Portal Master, Content Manager and Editor.
  2. From the selection box Response Time choose the response time the controller should get.
  3. Repeat this process if the chosen workflow contains two controllers.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

You get back to the overview. You see the modified workflow type in the column Workflow type.


1.2 Banned Words

You enter "forbidden" words in the Banned Words list, which should not be used in the stories. The content of the stories gets compared with the Banned Words list. If forbidden words are found, the story will be sent back to the editor for further modification.
  1. Click Website & CMS > Workflows.
  2. In the navigation on the left, below Workflows click on Settings and then on the tab Banned Words.
  3. Enter all banned words into the field Banned Words.
    Note: Separate the words with a comma.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.
You can continuously expand the list.


2. Editors

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Workflows.
  3. In the navigation on the left, below Editors click Overview.
All Editors (marked bold) and Portal Masters are listed:
  • Status The icon shows the status of the users:
    • red Editor with no assigned menus.
    • yellow Editor with limited rights on assigned menus.
    • green Portal Master or Content Manager have access to the complete content.
  • Last Name, First Name Shows the name of the editor.
  • Email Shows the email address of the editor.
  • Company Shows the company of the editor.
  • Assign By clicking the icon you can assign menus or delete given access rights.

2.1 Add Editor

You can assign the role "Editor" to a user directly in this menu:
  1. In the navigation on the left, below Editors click Overview.
  2. Click the +Add button.
    • If the user already exists, continue with a).
    • If you need to add the user, continue with b).

a) User exists already in the portal
  1. Enter the name into the corresponding field.
    All users who match are listed.
  2. Select the user.
  3. Click the button Save.

  4. The new editor is shown in the overview.
b) Add new user to this portal
  1. Enter in the field Salutation the salutation, e.g. Mr.
  2. Enter in the field First Name the first name, e.g. John.
  3. Enter in the field Last Name the last name, e.g. Smith.
  4. Enter in the field Email the email addresse, e.g.
  5. Click the button Save.
  6. The new editor is shown in the overview.


2.2 Assign to menu

  1. In the navigation on the left, below Editors click Overview.
  2. Choose the editor who you want to assign to a menu.
  3. Click the icon Assign.
    You get to the Details. The menu structure is shown.
  1. Activate the options of the menus to which you want to assign the editor.
  2. Click the button Save when ready.
Now, if the editor writes a new story or edits an existing one, only the chosen menus are available for him.


2.3 Assign a language

If some stories need to be translated to some language, you may add a special role Translator and assign it to some person, who will be allowed to edit these translations.
Note: This person will not be allowed to edit the story content itself, even if the main language of the story has been assigned to him. This role concerns only story translations.
Please follow these steps:
  1. Under Tools & Administration > Access Rights > Permissions > Add add a new permission called cms_translate.
  2. Under Tools & Administration > Access Rights > User Roles > Add add a new role called Translator.
  3. Under Tools & Administration > Access Rights > User Roles > Translator > Edit mark the permission cms_translate.
  4. Under Tools & Administration > Access Rights > User Roles > Translator click the 'plus' button on the left to assign this role to some user.
  5. Select a user and click on Save.
  6. Under Website & CMS > Workflows > Editors > Overview select the translator from the list and click on Assign.
  7. Mark the corresponding language(s) and menu(s), which the user will be allowed to translate.
  8. Click the button Save when ready.

2.4 Delete menu assignment

  1. Choose in the Overview the editor from which you want to delete the menu assignment.
  2. Click the icon Assign.
    You get to the Details. The menu structure is shown.
  3. Disable the options of the menus which are assigned to the editor.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

2.5 Settings

For creating stories you can set pre-selections to optimize the creation process.
  1. In the navigation on the left, below Editors click Settings.
  2. Activate the option Own Stories if editors should be able to only modify their own stories and no others.
  3. Activate in the area Story Types the story types which the editors should be able to select when adding a story.
    Note: Editor still can edit storys which have a different story type, if the story is assigned to the editor's menu.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.
2.5 from 155 votes





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