
v9.0 - last Mod.: 08/01/2017
Use feeds to offer your own RSS or Atom feeds. With feeds you export your selected content to a .xml file which can be opened by popular feed reader software or imported into other websites. A background process keeps the .xml file up to date and adds automatically newly generated content to it.
Note: To work in this area please log in as "Portal Master" or "Content Manager."

1. Internal Portal Feeds

Internal portal feeds are feeds you offer your users to be informed right away.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Feeds.
You get an overview of existing internal feeds:
  • Status Shows the status of the feeds, green = published, yellow = not published, red = no content assigned.
    By clicking the colored circle you can change the status.
  • Title/URL The first line shows the name of the feed, the lines below show the corresponding .xml files.
  • Type Shows the type of the feed.
  • Language Shows the language in which the feed exists.
  • Content Shows if content is assigned.
    By clicking the icon you get to the menu. You can change the assigned content here, q.v. 1.2 Edit.
  • Edit By clicking the icon you get to the editing mode.
  • Delete By clicking the icon you can delete the feed.

1.1 Add

  1. Click the +Add Button.
    Note: Fields labelled with a * are mandatory fields and have to be filled.
Area Details
  1. Enter in the field Name a name for the feed.
  2. Enter in the field Short Description a description as a short summary for your feed.
  3. In the field Portal Link you fond the link to the belonging portal.
  4. Enter in the field File Name a name to identify the generated .xml file, e.g. global_activity.
Area Image
  1. Enter in the field Name a name for the image.
  2. Enter in the field Description a descriptionfor.
  3. Enter in the field Image Source Path the source of the image.
  4. Enter in the field Target Link the destination address of the image.
Area Restrictions
  1. From the selection box Language choose the language in which the feed should appear.
  2. From the selection box Character encoding choose the character encoding.
  3. From the selection box Feed Format choose the format of the feed.
    To choose several formats keep the "Ctrl" button pressed.
  4. From the selection box Items choose the number of displayed elements.
  5. Activate the checkbox Status to activate the feed.
  6. Click the button Save when ready.
Area Assign feed content
  1. From the selection box Content-Type choose the type of the feed.
    Note: The following settings depend on the chosen Content Type:
  2. CMS | Latest Stories:
    1. Activate the checkboxex Content to export the stories of the chosen menu(s) to the feed.
    2. From the selection box Item Order choose the type of order.
    3. Activate the checkbox Image to include the image in each story.
    4. Activate the checkbox Short Description to include the short sescription in each story.
    5. Activate the checkbox Long Description to include the long description in each story.
  3. Blogs | Latest Blogs: The latest blogs get exported as content to your feed.
  4. Users | Latest Members: The latest members get exported as content to your feed.
  5. Global | Portal activities:
    1. Activate the checkboxex Teaser Mode to teaser also non-public content (the short description gets displayed in the feed).
    2. From the selection box Item Order choose the type of order.
    3. Activate the checkboxes of the actitivties you want to export to the feed.
  6. Click the button Save when ready.

1.2 Edit

  1. Choose the feed you want to edit in the overview.
  2. Click the icon Edit.
  3. Edit the feed as desired, q.v. 1.1 Add.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

1.3 Delete

  1. Choose the feed you want to delete in the overview.
  2. Click the icon Delete.
  3. Confirm the erasing procedure by clicking the button OK.

2. External Feeds

Import external feeds which your portal users can subscribe and place in their Personal Tools.

External Feeds vs. Newsflash Feeds:
  • External Feeds are grafically not controllable. That means that the feed looks like it was provided from the external website after including it in a story. If you know CSS you can affect the layout a little.
  • Designing Newsflash Feeds is much easier because you can use feed templates and controll the number of feed items and the number of words. You have a ample scope of creative work.
Note: Please note that it is important to observe the import time of an external feed. This time can be viewed by editing a feed and is the duration that it takes to update the feed content. Only active and subscribed feeds will be updated every 15 minutes. This helps to reduce data traffic.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Feeds.
  3. In the navigation on the left below Feeds click External Feeds .
You get an overview of existing external feeds:
  • Status Shows the status of the feeds, green = published, yellow = not published, red = no content assigned.
    By clicking the colored circle you can change the status.
  • Icon Shows the icon of the feeds.
    By clicking the icon you get to the website.
  • Title/URL The first line shows the name of the feed, the lines below show the corresponding .xml file.
    By clicking Name/URL you can sort the table.
  • Last update Shows the date and the time of the last update.
    By clicking Last update you can sort the table.
  • Language Shows the language in which the feed exists.
  • Subscribers Shows graphically the number of the subscribers of the feeds.
  • Edit By clicking the icon you get to the editing mode.
  • Delete By clicking the icon you can delete the feed.

2.1 Add

  1. Click the +Add Button.
  2. Enter in the field URL the URL - the source - of the feed, e.g. www.news.com.
    Note: The right URL, which includes the XML - in this case http://news.com.com/2547-1_3-0-20.xml - appears after clicking the button "Save." Afterwards you copy the given URL in the field.
  3. Activate the Tags which match to the feed or enter them comma separated in the text field.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.
The new feed is listed in the overview.
You can include external feeds e.g. in the Personal Tools or as a Design Attribute in a story.


2.2 Edit

  1. Choose the feed you want to edit in the overview.
  2. Click the icon Edit.
  3. Edit the feed as desired.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

2.3 Delete

  1. Choose the feed you want to delete in the overview.
  2. Click the icon Delete.
  3. Confirm the erasing procedure by clicking the button OK.

3. Newsflash Feeds

Newsflash Feeds are Feeds with which you display external feeds while controlling the design and the layout.

External Feeds vs. Newsflash Feeds:
  • External Feeds are grafically not controllable. That means that the feed looks like it was provided from the external website after including it in a story. If you know CSS you can affect the layout a little.
  • Designing Newsflash Feeds is much easier because you can use feed templates and controll the number of feed items and the number of words. You have a ample scope of creative work.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Feeds.
  3. In the navigation on the left, below Feeds click Newsflash Feeds.
As far as Newsflash Feeds exist already, you get the following overview:
  • Status Shows the status of the feeds, green = published, red = no content assigned.
    By clicking the colored circle you can change the status.
  • Title Shows the name and the ID of the feed.
    By clicking the name you get to the editing mode.
  • Newsflash Feed Shows the external feed.
  • Template Shows the template on which the feed is based.
  • Edit By clicking the icon you get to the editing mode.
  • Delete By clicking the icon you can delete the feed.

3.1 Add

Note: To add a new Newsflash Feed, an external feed and a feed template has to exist already, q.v. 2. External Feeds and 4. Templates.
  1. Click the +Add button.
  2. Enter in the field Title a title for the feed.
  3. Enter in the field Description a description.
  4. Activate the option Status to activate the feed.
  5. From the selection box External Feed choose the external feed.
  6. Enter in the field Number of feed items the number of feeds you want to display.
  7. Enter in the field Number of words the number of words of the feed item description you want to display.
  8. Choose from the selection box Template the desired feed template.
  9. Click the button Save when ready.
The new Newsflash Feed is shown in the overview.
You can include external feeds as Design Attributes e.g. in a story or in the Master Design.


3.2 Edit

  1. Choose the feed you want to edit in the overview.
  2. Click the icon Edit.
  3. Edit the feed as desired, q.v. 3.1 Add.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

3.3 Delete

  1. Choose the feed you want to delete in the overview.
  2. Click the icon Delete.
  3. Confirm the erasing procedure by clicking the button OK.

4. Templates

Note: Only as a "Portal Master" you are able to create templates.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Feeds.
  3. In the navigation on the left, below Feeds click Templates.
  4. Click the tab Add.
  5. Enter in the field Code HTML or CSS code to describe the template.
  6. If required choose in the area Placeholders available placeholders.
    Click the red arrow to get the selection.
  7. If required choose in the area Special Characters some special characters.
    Click the red arrow to get the selection.
  8. Enter in the field Name a name for the template.
  9. Click the button Save.
You can edit or delete templates you have added.

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