
v12.0 - Last Mod.: 07/04/2022
The statistics provide you with a comprehensive opportunity to generate and display detailed portal statistics. The statistics are updated every 5 minutes.

1. Overview

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic. The following statistics are displayed in tabular form:
    • Graphic-Visitor displays an overview of visitors and page views (PI) in the selected timeframe.
    • Summary-Visitor displays the number of all visitors (guests and registered users) and page views.
    • Activity-New Visitors displays the number of visitors and page views (PI) during the selected timeframe, as well as the trend compared to the previous period.
    • Activity-Website & CMS displays total sums and changes in the CMS area for the selected timeframe.
    • Activity-Marketing & CRM displays total sums and changes in the area for the selected timeframe.
    • History displays the last activities of users in all applications.
    • Storage displays the currently used and available storage space.
    • Keywords - Top shows the most frequently used keywords.

  3. Click the Day button to display the corresponding daily statistics.
  4. Click the Month button to display the corresponding monthly statistics.
  5. Click the Year button to display the corresponding annual statistics.
  6. In the selection of the timeframe you can set the period for the listed statistics or reset a selected period - the default selection is 1 month retroactive to the current date.


2. Visitors

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Visitors.
  3. Click the Day button to display the corresponding daily statistics.
  4. Click the Month button to display the corresponding monthly statistics.
  5. Click the Year button to display the corresponding annual statistics.
  6. In the selection of the timeframe you can set the period for the listed statistics or reset a selected period - the default selection is 1 month retroactive to the current date.
  7. The overview of visitor statistics is displayed.
    • Under Graphic - Visitor - Statistic the number of visitors and page impressions for the selected timeframe is displayed.
    • Under List view - Visitor - Statistic the "Month View" is displayed for the selected period.
    • Under Summary - Visitor - Statistic  the number of all visitors (guests and registered users) and page views is displayed.
    • Under Aktivität - Neue Besucher - Statistik the number of visitors and page impression (PI) is displayed for the selected period, as well as the trend compared to the previous time period.


3. Referer & Keywords

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Referer & Keywords.

This overview shows the origin of your visitors with details on the referring domains and the entered search terms.


4. Browser details

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Browser details.

This overview shows you details about the internet configuration of your visitors: Which browsers and operating systems are used? Which language is set? How high are screen resolution and color depth, etc.


5. Activity Report

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Activity Report.
  3. Click the Day button to display the corresponding daily statistics.
  4. Click the Month button to display the corresponding monthly statistics.
  5. Click the Year button to display the corresponding annual statistics.
  6. In the selection of the timeframe you can set the period for the listed statistics or reset a selected period - the default selection is 1 month retroactive to the current date.
  7. The overview of the activity report is displayed.
  8. This is a daily updated statistics, which allows a comprehensive view of the visitor activities in the portal through various selection criteria.
    The daily activity reports for Portal Master are based on this data.
    • Portal: Total sums and changes in the selected time period for visitors, page views (PI), PI / visitors and logins
    • Website & CMS: Total sums and changes in the selected time period for menus, stories, newsflashes, workflows, feeds and banners.
    • Tools & Administration: Total sums and changes in the selected time period for Portal Master, user groups, files, folders, categories and tags.
    • Intranet & Backoffice: Total sums and changes in the selected time period for DMS files, DMS folders, invoices, contracts, events, projects and tasks.
    • Marketing & CRM: Total sums and changes in the selected time period for users, campaigns, surveys, polls and forms.
    • Network & Community: Total sums and changes in the selected time period for network groups, forums, topics, messages, articles (blogs), wiki articles and ideas.
    • Sales & Support: Total sums and changes in the selected time period for shop catalogues, products, offers, orders, seminars and helpdesk tickets.
    • Design & Layout: Total sums and changes in the selected time period for system applications, portal applications, design attributes, story templates, product templates and design templates.
    • Storage: Shows the currently available storage space as well as the distribution of the space used


6. Keywords

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Keywords.
  3. Click the Day button to display the corresponding daily statistics.
  4. Click the Month button to display the corresponding monthly statistics.
  5. Click the Year button to display the corresponding annual statistics.
  6. In the selection of the timeframe you can set the period for the listed statistics or reset a selected period - the default selection is 1 month retroactive to the current date.
  7. Here you can see which search terms the users used in the search and how often they were searched for.

    Tab History:
    • Time shows when exactly the search for the keyword took place.
    • the keyword shows the search term.

    Tab Top Keywords:
    • Here you will find the most popular keywords for the selected period.


7. Emails

This statistic shows all system e-mails sent by the portal within a freely selectable period.
You can find more information under Services > Documentation > Tools & Administration > System Emails > Statistic


8. Media Pool

Here you can find the statistics for the media pool - for more information see Services > Documentation > Tools & Administration > Media Pool > Statistic


9. Menus & Stories

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Menus & Stories.
  3. Click the Day button to display the corresponding daily statistics.
  4. Click the Month button to display the corresponding monthly statistics.
  5. Click the Year button to display the corresponding annual statistics.
  6. In the selection of the timeframe you can set the period for the listed statistics or reset a selected period - the default selection is 1 month retroactive to the current date.
  7. The overview of the CMS statistic is displayed:
  • Graphic: displays a a graphical representation for viewed menus, created stories, as well as viewed stories for the selected time frame
  • Summary - All Actions: Shows the total number of created stories, as well as viewed menus and stories since the portal was created.
  • Activity - Trend: Total sums and changes in the selected time period menus, newsflashs, stories and workflows.
  • Top 10 Stories - Viewed: shows the 10 most viewed stories in the selected time frame.
  • Top 10 Menus - Viewed: shows the 10 most viewed menus in the selected time frame.
  • History - Stories - edited, deleted: shows a history over edited or deleted stories in the selected time frame.
  • History: shows the 10 latest CMS accesses.
  1. Tab History: Displays a detailed listing of CMS activities for the selected period.
  2. Tab Activity: Displays the sums of viewed, created, edited, and deleted stories and menus for the selected period.
  3. Tab Top Listing: Displays the most popular menus and stories for the selected period.


10. Stories

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Stories.
  3. The following story statistics are displayed in tabular form:
    • Accesses shows the number of daily story accesses in the past week.
    • Most viewed stories shows the 15 most viewed stories with the corresponding number of accesses

  4. Click the Year button to display the corresponding annual statistics.
  5. Click the Month button to display the corresponding monthly statistics.

11. Companies

This overview provides you with comprehensive statistics on the companies registered in the portal, for example the total number of companies, the size of the company and the inducstries.
For more information see Services > Documentation > Marketing & CRM > Companies > Statistic


12. Subscriptions

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Subscriptions.
  3. This statistic lists all current users with subscriptions and the e-mails sent to them. Here you can also set up an automatic notification about contents from one or more menus for the users of your web portal.

    Tab recipients:
    • The Subscriptions column displays the number of subscriptions sent to the corresponding person.
    • Name shows the first and last name of the person.
    • The Email Details column lists the subscriptions that have been sent to the person.
      The following details are displayed:
      • Sent at shows when the email was sent.
      • Type of the element shows which type of subscription
      • Subject / Name of the element shows the name and subject of the subscription.
    • Clicking on Recipients Details brings you to the user profile.

  4. Tab Automatic Notification:
    With this function you can define subscriptions of contents from one or more menus for all users of your web portal. When a new story is published in one of the menus, all portal users will automatically receive an e-mail. This function is useful e.g. in case of a change in your general terms and conditions. You will have to notify your users of this change and can use the automatic forwarding of the changes in general terms and conditions.
    Note: There has to be at least one story in a menu that can be mailed.
    • Under Menu select a menu for the automatic notification
    • Mark the corresponding checkbox on the left
    • Click Save when ready.


13. Campaigns

For more information see Services > Documentation > Marketing & CRM > Campaigns > Statistic


14. Polls

For more information see Services > Documentation > Marketing & CRM > Polls > Statistic


15. Calendar

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Calendar.
  3. Click the Day button to display the corresponding daily statistics.
  4. Click the Month button to display the corresponding monthly statistics.
  5. Click the Year button to display the corresponding annual statistics.
  6. In the selection of the timeframe you can set the period for the listed statistics or reset a selected period - the default selection is 1 month retroactive to the current date.
  7. The overview of the calendar statistic is displayed:
  • Graphic: shows a graphical representation for viewed, edited, created, and deleted events, as well as invitations for the selected time frame.
  • Summary - All Actions: shows the total number of viewed, edited, created and deleted events, as well as the invitations since the portal was created.
  • Activity - Trend: shows total sums and changes in the selected time frame for events and seminars.
  • Top 10 - Events - Viewed: shows the top 10 viewed events in the selected time frame.
  • History - Events - Created, Edited, Viewed, Deleted, Invited: shows the last 5 actions.
  • History: shows the last 10 accesses.
  1. Tab History: Displays a detailed listing of calendar activities for the selected period.
  2. Tab Activity: Shows the total number of viewed, edited, created and deleted events, as well as the invitations for the selected time frame.
  3. Tab Top Listing: Displays the most popular events for the selected time frame.


16. DMS Downloads & Uploads

For more information see Services > Documentation > Intranet & Backoffice > DMS > Statistic


17. Orders & Products

For more information see Services > Documentation > Sales & Support > Shop Statistic


18. Blogs

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Blogs.
  3. Click the Day button to display the corresponding daily statistics.
  4. Click the Month button to display the corresponding monthly statistics.
  5. Click the Year button to display the corresponding annual statistics.
  6. In the selection of the timeframe you can set the period for the listed statistics or reset a selected period - the default selection is 1 month retroactive to the current date.
  7. The overview of the blog statistic is displayed:
  • Graphic: shows a graphical representation for viewed, edited and created blogs for the selected time frame.
  • Summary - All Actions: shows the total number of viewed, edited and created blogs since the portal was created.
  • Activity - Trend: shows total sums and changes in the selected time frame for blog articles.
  • Top 10 - Articles - Viewed: shows the top 10 viewed blog articles in the selected time frame.
  • History - Articles - edited, deleted: shows the last 5 actions.
  • History: shows the last 10 accesses.
  1. Tab History: Displays a detailed listing of blog activities for the selected period.
  2. Tab Activity: Shows the total number of viewed, edited, created and deleted blog articles for the selected time frame.
  3. Tab Top Listing: Displays the most popular blog articles for the selected time frame.


19. Ideas

  1. Click on the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Click on Tools & Administration > Statistic > Ideas.
  3. Click the Day button to display the corresponding daily statistics.
  4. Click the Month button to display the corresponding monthly statistics.
  5. Click the Year button to display the corresponding annual statistics.
  6. In the selection of the timeframe you can set the period for the listed statistics or reset a selected period - the default selection is 1 month retroactive to the current date.
  7. The overview of the idea statistic is displayed:
  • Graphic: shows a graphical representation for viewed, edited and created ideas for the selected time frame.
  • Summary - All Actions: shows the total number of viewed and created ideas since the portal was created.
  • Activity - Trend: shows total sums and changes in the selected time frame for ideas.
  • Top 10 - Ideas - Viewed: shows the top 10 viewed ideas in the selected time frame.
  • History - Ideas - edited, deleted: shows the last 5 actions.
  • History: shows the last 10 accesses.
  1. Tab History: Displays a detailed listing of ideas activities for the selected period.
  2. Tab Activity: Shows the total number of viewed, edited and created ideas for the selected time frame.
  3. Tab Top Listing: Displays the most popular ideas for the selected time frame.

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