Applications and Access Rights

1. Applications 2. Access Rights
3. Licence Overview 4. Role/Permission Matrix 5. User Groups 6. User Roles 7. Permissions
v12.1 - Last Mod.: 02/20/2023

1. Applications

Note: The versions before v6.2 had the function Application Links at this point, which was in v6.2 exchanged through applications, widgets and canvas pages. This brings much more flexibility.

1.1 Overview

Tab Overview

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Applications.
  3. In the navigation on the left, below Applications click Overview.

  All existing applications are listed here:
  • Status Shows the status of the application, green = active, red = inactive.
  • Type Shows the type of widget
  • Name Shows the name of the application. By clicking the name you get to the editing mode, q.v. 1.3 Edit.
  • Description Shows a description.
  • Actions By clicking the icon you can the application:
    • Edit
    • Edit status
    • Access Rights
    • Languages
    • Preview
    • Open
  • In the dropdown menu you can select the type filter, SITEFORUM or user defined.
  • Use the drop-down list to choose which application you want to view. You can choose, for example, main applications, polls, API and others.
  • If necessary, enter the name of an application in the Search term text box to search for it.
  • Click the button Select.
  • Click the name of the application to edit it, q.v. 1.3 Edit.

Tab Sitemap

    Here you can view the structure and interlacing of the applications and widgets.
  1. Choose the application you want to view from the selection box Application.
  2. Click the button Select.
  3. Click the Name of the application to edit it, q.v 1.3 Edit.


1.2 Add

    Note: You can add applications as well as links or widgets. The corresponding information/path/URL, target is depending on what you are adding.      
  1. Click the tab Add.
  1. Enter a name for the new application/widget/link, etc in the field Name.
  2. Enter a description in the corresponding field.
  3. If you want to add an application enter in the area Application:
  • in the field Path the corresponding template path, e.g. /account/promotion,
  • choose from the selection box Assignment the required level and assignment of the application,
  • activate the checkbox Status.
  1. If you want to add a widget choose the following in the Widget-Content area
  • from the selection box Type the kind of widget, e.g. iFrame.
  • enter the actual content/path in the field Content or Path if needed.
  1.  If you want to add a link choose the following in the area Link
  • from the selection box URL the protocol, e.g. http:// and enter the acutal URL, e.g. in the field behind,
  • choose from the selection box Target how the link is supposed to open up.
Note: The link is the link in the header area of the widgets (colored bar) as well as the link in the network navigation.
  1. Click the Save button when ready.


1.3 Edit

  1. Choose the application you want to edit in the Overview .
  2. Click the Name of the application.
  3. Edit the application, q.v. 1.2 Add.


1.4 Access Rights

  1. Choose the application whose access rights you want to edit in the Overview .
  2. Click the Actions icon on the right and select Access Rights.
  1. Enable the user roles which should be able to access the application in the area User roles.
  2. If required enable the user groups which should get access to the application in the area User groups .
  3. Under Conditions you can describe additional variable conditions, that will control access to the application.
Note: Sie brauchen SITEFORUM-Studio-Zugriff, um diese Funktion nutzen zu können.
  1. Click the Save button when ready.


1.5 Languages

  1. Choose the application which you want to translate in the Overview .
  2. Click the Actions icon on the right and select Languages.
  1. Enter a new Name and a new Description for the active languages.
  2. Click the Save button when ready.


1.6 Preview

  1. Choose the application you want to the Overview.
  2. Click the Actions icon on the right and select Preview.


1.7 Delete

Note: Only applications added by us can be deleted. Default applications can only be disabled but not deleted.
  1. Choose the application that you want to the Overview.
  2. Click the Actions icon on the right and select Delete.
  1. Confirm the deletion process by clicking the button OK.


1.8 Canvas Pages

In this area you can sort applications and widgets..
  1. Click the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Applications.
  3. In the navigation on the left, below Applications click Canvas Pages.
  4. Choose from the Type selection box the desired type
Note: Applications are classic applications which are mainly controlled through the network navigation, such as wiki or blogs. Design Modules are the SITEFORUM Design Modules, which control among others the different menu types, such as main navigation or icon menues. Individual Pages are pages added by you.
      5. Click the Select button.
You get an overview over the elements:

Scope shows if the element can either be customized by the user (green icon), or if the element cannot be customized, but a customization would be possible (yellow icon with check) or if the element cannot be customized at all (yellow icon without check).
Note: Most of the applications can be unlocked for user customization, q.v. Lock/Unlock..
  • Name shows the name of the element.
  • By clicking the name you get to the editing mode.
  • Description shows a description of the element, which you can edit, q.v. 1.3 Edit.
  • Widgets shows the number of widgets per page, e.g. 4+3= 4 widgets on the left and 3 widgets on the right.
  • Action By clicking the icon you can take several actions.


Note: To edit an element here means adding or removing widgets and defining their order.
  • Choose the element you want to edit.
  • Click the Actions icon and choose Edit.
  • Click the x in the colored bar of the widget to remove the element..

To change the order:

  • go with the mouse over the colored bar until a crosshairs appears,
  • hold the left mouse button and drag the widget to the desired spot;
  • drop the widget by releasing the mouse button.

 To add other widgets to the element:

  • click on More Apps,
  • look for the widget,
  • go with the mouse over the colored bar until a crosshairs appears,
  • hold the left mouse button and drag the widget to the desired spot;
  • drop the widget by releasing the mouse button.
The new arrangement is now saved, you do not need to click a Save button.


Note: Most of the applications can be locked/unlocked for individual user customization. Icons in the column Scope illustrate that.
  • Choose the element you want to lock/unlock.
  • Click the Actions icon and choose Unlock or Lock.
  • Changes are saved immediately you do not need to click a Save button. The icon in the Scope column will change.

1.9 Settings

    In this area you can edit different application settings.

1. Canvas Pages / Widgets
  • Settings Activate the option to display individual color settings in every widget.
    • Select the number of colors in the corresponding drop-down box below. There are 3 colors available by default, further ones can be added via CSS.
  • Guest Access ctivate this option to allow guests sorting widgets and editing individual settings. Please do not forget to give the user group "Regular" the same permissions first.
  • Application Pool
    • Position Select the position of the application pool ("More apps") shown on your canvas pages.
    • Portal-View Select the applications, which should be shown in the pool. You can either show all active apps, or only selected ones. To choose such applications, please use the mass operation Activate (application pool) under Tools & Administration > Applications > Overview.
Note: This mass operation is only visible, if Show only selected applications is set in the box.

2. Access rights

With the Accress Rights you can assign, manage and create individual user groups, user roles and permissions. Create user groups like "Sales Department," "Employees" or "Customers" to categorize your users and to offer personalized access.
Note: To make settings here you have to be either a "Contact Manager" or a "Portal Master."

3. License Overview

   This overview shows all users in your portal that currently hold an administrator license.
  1. Click the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Applications.
  3.  Click License Overview in the left navigation.
     In the License area the overview of assigned licenses is listed:
  • License shows the kind of license.
  • Max. shows the maximal number of users.
  • Assigned shows the number of assigned users.
  • Open shows the number of open licenses.
  • Graphic Displays a graphical representation of the relation.
   In the area Administrators/Managers you find a table containing all users with an administrator role:
  • Name shows the name of the administrator.
  • User Name shows the user name.
  • Email shows the email address.
  • License Required shows if the user requires a license or not
  • Delete By clicking the icon you can delete the license.
Note: Only an unused license can be deleted.

3.1 Manage Users

By clicking the button Manage Users you get to the administration of all users..
Here you can add new users, assign them to user groups or give them user roles, q.v. Services > Documentation > Marketing & CRM > Users & Contacts.


3.2 Order Licenses

By clicking the Order License button you get to a form to order further licenses.
Please follow the instructions on the page.


4. Role/Permission Matrix

This matrix shows the combined roles and permissions.
  1. Click the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Applications.
  3. Click Role/Permission Matrix in the navigation.

4.1 Simple View

Click the tab Simple View to get to the overview of roles and permissions..
  • Horizontally you see the role.
  • By clicking the role you get to the overview of the assigned users in the user administration.
  • Vertically you see the permissions of the role.
  • By clicking the permission you get to the overview of the assigned users in the user administration..
  • By clicking the button Show user count the user count of roles and permissions is displayed.
  • By clicking the button Hide user count the user count of roles and permissions is hidden.


4.2 Recursive View

Click the tab Recursive View to get to the overview of all roles and inherited permissions.
  • Horizontally you see the particular role.
  • By clicking the role you get to the overview of the users in the user administration.
  • Vertically you see the particular permissions of the role and the inherited permissions.
  • By clicking the permission you get to the overview of the users in the user administration. See also Services > Documentation > "Marketing & CRM > Users & Contacts.".
  • By clicking the button Show user count the user count of roles and permissions is shown.
  • By clicking the button Hide user count the user count of roles and permissions is hidden.


5. User Groups

With user groups you can personalize access to SITEFORUM elements like stories, menus, forums, polls, catalogs, products, etc.
Attention: User groups do not define access rights for administrative features but make certain content available for selected users.
  1. Click the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Applications.
  3. Click User groups in the navigation.
   Here you find the Overview over all existing groups (network groups and user groups).


5.1 Overview

Canvas Page for groups - you can fully customize the content with widgets.


5.2 Add

  1. In the Title field of the group enter a name for your group.
  2. In the Description field enter a description (this will be displayed in the list).
  3. In the Long Description field enter, if applicable, a detailed description.
  4. In the area Tags you can choose and assign group tags.
  5. Under Categories you can categorize your group.
  6. In the Members area you can choose what type of group you want to create: open or closed network group, or user group.
  7. Click the Save button when ready.


5.3 Edit

  1. Choose a group from the list that you want to edit.
  2. Click on the Action Icon and select Edit.
  1. Adjust the settings.
  2. Click the Save button when ready.


5.4 Delete

  1. Choose the group you want to delete.
  2. Click on the Action Icon and select Delete.
  3. Confirm by clicking the button OK.


6. User Roles

 User roles define what a certain user may do in the portal, like manage menus, modify forums, create users, etc. A role gets assigned with permissions or other roles which also can inherit other roles.
  1. Click the Portal Manager button to get to the administrative area..
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Access Rights.
  3. Click User Roles in the navigation on the left.
    You get to the user role overview.


6.1 Overview

The overview shows which roles exist and how many users are assigned to which role:
  • User shows the number of users who hold this permission in the portal.
  • By clicking the + another user can be assigned to the group, q.v. 6.2 Add.
  • Name shows the name of the user role.
  • By clicking the name you get to the permissions, which are assigened to the group, q.v. 7. Permissions.
  • Description shows a description of the user role.
  • License shows if a license with costs is needed..
  • Edit by clicking the icon you get to the editing mode..
  • Delete by clicking the icon you can delete the group..
       Note: Default System Roles cannot be deleted. Only self-created roles can be deleted.


6.2 Add

  1. Click the Add tab.
  1. In the field Name enter a name for the role.
  2. In the Description field enter a description.
  3. Click the Save button when ready.

    he new user role is displayed in the overview.
Attention: You have to assign permissions to the new user role, q.v. 6.3 Edit.


6.3 Edit

  1. Select the role you want to edit.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  1. With a self-created role you can edit Name and Description.
  2. In the Assign permissions to role area choose the permission you want to assign to or revoke from the role..
  3. Click the Save button when ready.

In the area Assign other roles you can assign all permissions of another role to the role you are editing right now.
  • Choose from the selection box the role whose permission you want to assign to your role.
  • Click the button Assign role to your role.
IIn the area Remove assigned roles you can remove assigned roles from the editing role.
  • Choose from the selection box the role whose permission you want to remove from your role.
  • Click the button Remove assigned role from your role.
IIn the area All permissions of role all permissions of the selected role are shown.
Attention: These permissions are not necessarily all directly assigned. They could also be assigned to other roles, which are assigned to the selected role.


6.4 Delete

Attention: Default System Roles cannot be deleted. Only self-created roles can be deleted.
  1. Choose the role you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  1. You get an overview of all inherited roles.
  2. Confirm by clicking the button OK.
Note: None of these heredities remains after removing.


7. Permissions

Permissions define what a certain user role may do in this portal. Permissions get assigned to user roles and user roles can be assigned to users.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Applications.
  3. Click Permissions in the navigation.
    You get to the overview of all permissions.


7.1 Overview

The overview shows which permissions exist and how many users are assigned to:
  • Name shows the name of the permission and in brackets the number of users assigned to this permission.
  • By clicking the name you get to the user administration, q.v. Services > Documentation > "Marketing & CRM > Users & Contacts."
  • Description shows a description of the permission.
  • Edit - By clicking the icon you get to the editing mode.
    • Attention: Default System Roles cannot be edited. Only self-created roles can be edited.
  • Delete - By clicking the icon you can delete the permission.
    • Attention: Default System Roles cannot be deleted. Only self-created roles can be deleted.


7.2 Add

 Note: You can only add permissions when you have access to the SITEFORUM Studio platform.
  1. Click the tab Add.
  1. Enter the name of the permission in the field Name.
  2. Enter a description in the Description field.
  3. Click the Save button when ready.

7.3 Edit

Attention: Default System Roles cannot be edited. Only self-created roles can be edited.
  1. Select the permission you want to edit.
  2. Click the Edit button
  1. Edit the permission as required.
  2. Click the Save button when ready.


7.4 Delete

Attention: Default System Roles cannot be deleted. Only self-created roles can be deleted.
  1. Select the permission you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button .
  3. Confirm the deletion by clicking the OK button.


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