Shop Statistic

1. Customer-related
2. Result-related
3. Order-related
4. Product-related
5. Customer revenue
6. Customer-Product-Matrix
v9.0 - Last Mod.: 08/10/2017

You can view comprehensive statistics in the SITEFORUM Online Shop and therewith do a differentiated search and request and evalutate different analyses.

1. Customer-related

To view customer-realted statistics please log in as "Portal Master" or "Shop Manager."
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Sales & Support > Shop Statistic.
  3. In the left navigation click customer-related.
  4. Select in the area date from from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the start date.
  5. Select in the area date to from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the expiration date.
  6. Choose in the area Select all users from the first selection box the statistic you want to display, from the second selection box how it is associated with your entry (is or like) and enter in the field behind your keyword.
  7. Click the button Create query when ready.
As far as results are found you get the following table:
  • Customer ID Shows the ID of the customer.
    By clicking the ID you get to the details of the user.
  • Last name Shows the last name of the customer.
  • First name Shows the first name of the customer.
  • Email Shows the email address of the customer.

2. Result-related

To view result-realted statistics please log in as "Portal Master" or "Shop Manager."
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Sales & Support > Statistics.
  3. In the left navigation click Result-related.
  4. Select in the area date from from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the start date.
  5. Select in the area date to from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the expiration date.
  6. From the selection box Return all generated choose the type you want to display.
  7. Choose in the area where from the first selection box the statistic you want to display, from the second selection box how it is associated with your entry (is or like) and enter in the field behind your keyword.
  8. Click the button Create query when ready.
After a successful search you get an overview of the results like:
"The generated volume between 03/02/2006 and 05/26/2007 is EUR 8.000 for products from the customer with the name John Q. Public."


3. Order-related

To view order-related statistics please log in as "Portal Master" or "Shop Manager."
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Sales & Support > Shop Statistic.
  3. In the left navigation click Order-related.
  4. Select in the area date from from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the start date.
  5. Select in the area date to from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the expiration date.
  6. From the selection box Select all orders where from the first selection box the statistic you want to display, from the second selection box how it is associated with your entry (is or like) and enter in the field behind your keyword.
  7. Click the button Create query when ready.
As far as results are found you get the following table:
  • Order ID Shows the order ID.
    By clicking the number you get to the details.
  • Name Shows the name of the customer.
  • Order date/time Shows the order range.
  • Price Shows the price.

4. Product-related

To view product-related statistics please log in as "Portal Master" or "Shop Manager."
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Sales & Support > Shop Statistic.
  3. In the left navigation click Product-related.
  4. Select in the area date from from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the start date.
  5. Select in the area date to from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the expiration date.
  6. Choose from the selection box Show top the number of results per page.
  7. Click the button Create query when ready.
As far as results are found you get the following table:
  • Product name Shows the product.
    By clicking the name you get to the details.
  • Quantities sold Shows the sold quantities.
  • Total revenue Shows the total revenue.

5. Customer revenue

To view Customer revenue please log in as "Portal Master" or "Shop Manager."
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Sales & Support > Shop Statistic.
  3. In the left navigation click Customer revenue.
  4. Select in the area date from from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the start date.
  5. Select in the area date to from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the expiration date.
  6. Choose from the selection box Show top the number of results per page.
  7. Click the button Create query when ready.
As far as results are found you get the following table:
  • Customer ID Shows the ID of the customer.
    By clicking the ID you get to the details of the user.
  • Name Shows the name of the customer.
  • Email Shows the email address of the customer.
  • Country Shows where the customer comes from.
  • Total revenue Shows the total revenue.

6. Customer-Product-Matrix

To view a Customer-Product-Matrix please log in as "Portal Master" or "Shop Manager."
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Sales & Support > Shop Statistic.
  3. In the left navigation click Customer-Product-Matrix.
  4. Select in the area date from from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the start date.
  5. Select in the area date to from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the expiration date.
  6. Click the button Create query when ready.
As far as results are found you get the following table:
  • Customer number Shows the number of the customer.
  • Name Shows the name of the customer.
  • Company Shows the company in which the customer works.
  • Summary Shows a summary of the revenues of the customer.

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