
v9.0 - Last Mod.: 08/11/2017
With the SITEFORUM Wikis users and also guests (depending on access rights) can create, edit and publish Wikis directly in the portal. If a Wiki gets modified, a new version is saved. Users can view and compare the different versions of a Wiki. A complete glossary containing all keywords and links is generated automatically.

1. Administration

Depending on settings in the portal and the network, users and guests can create, edit and publish Wikis. They can also compare versions with each other.
  1. Please log in with your login data.
  2. To get to the wikis please click the link Wiki.
Note: The given links and names can diverge from the network you are using. This depends on the operating company.

1.1 Overview

You get an overview of the different elements concerning the wikis:
  • Last modified articles Shows the wiki articles which where edited at last.
  • Shortest articles Shows the wiki articles with the least characters.
  • Random article Shows one wiki articles randomly.
  • Quick Search Allows a quick search inside the wikis.
  • By clicking an Element you get to all wiki articles which are assigned to that element.
  • By clicking a Wiki Article you get to that article.

1.2 Categories

  • By clicking the tab Categories you get to the overview of all categories.
    The number in brackets behind each category shows the number of assigned wiki articles.
  • By clicking on a category all wiki articles get displayed which are assigned to that category.
Note: Categories can be added by Portal Masters or Contact Managers.


1.3 Alphabetical

  1. By clicking the tab Alphabetical you get to the overview of all wiki articles in an alphabetical listing.
  2. Click on a wiki article to get to its details.
  3. With the letters you can limit the results.

1.4 Add

  1. Click the +Add button.
    Note: You can also click a Link in an existing wiki article to add the corresponding article. In this case you start with stept 4.
  2. Enter in the field Name a name for your wiki article.
  3. Click the button Add.
  4. Enter in the field Short description an introduction.
  5. Enter in the field Long description the text.
    Use the WYSIWYG editor to format the text.
  6. If required use the given placeholders for linkings, q.v. 1.5 Insert Connection.
  7. Choose from the selection box Wiki Categories the category(ies) which match with the article.
  8. Click the button Add.
  9. If required repeat this step.
  10. Click the button Save when ready.

1.5 Insert Connection

You can connect keywords with each other, you can provide a summary of the headings inside a wiki article and you can display the chosen categories, which can be clicked as well.
Note: To do this you must be in the editing mode in the long description of a wiki article, q.v. 1.6 Edit.

Link to a Wiki Article

If you want to link to an existing wiki use the icon Link to article in the WYSIWYG editor:
  1. Mark the keyword you want to connect.
  2. In the WYSIWYG editor click the icon Insert Link.

  3. The placeholder [wiki:keyword] is shown. In the completed wiki-article the keyword is then connected and marked red or blue, depending if the particular wiki-article exists already (blue) or not (red).
Insert external Link
If you want to connect to an external link please use the icon Insert Link in the WYSIWYG editor:
  1. Mark the word which you want to link.
  2. In the WYSIWYG editor click the icon Insert Link.
    A second window opens up.
  3. Choose from the first selection box Select type of link the link type.
    1. Link to an article
      1.1 Choose in the area Article Name the name of the wiki article to which you want to link.
      1.2 If required enter in the area Link Text the link text.
    2. Link to a website
      2.1 Enter in the area URL the URL to which you want to link.
      2.2 If required enter in the area Link Text the link text.
  4. Click the button Insert when ready.
    The second window closes.
  5. Click the button Save when ready.
Note: The placeholder for the Summary and for the Category Overview gets added automatically to each wiki article. But you can influence the place of the placeholders in each wiki article.


1.6 Edit

If a wiki article is not completed and you can add further information, then you have the possibility to edit this story (depending on your access rights).
Warning: Wikis can be locked by the administrators. In that case the link to edit the story is not provided.
  1. Select the wiki article you want to edit.
  2. At the end of the story click the link Edit Story.
  3. Edit the wiki article as desired, q.v. 1.4 Add and 1.5 Insert Connection.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

1.7 Change Version

If a wiki article was changed you can reset its version.
  1. Select the wiki article whose versions you want to reset.
  2. At the end of the story click the link Edit Story.
  3. Click the tab Versions.
  4. A minimum of two versions exist, they are listed:
    • Version Shows the version number.
    • Editor Shows the editor who has saved the version.
    • Modified Shows date and time of the modification.
    • Details By clicking the icon you can reset the story.
  5. Choose the version and click the icon Details
  6. Click the icon Reset above the story.
The chosen story becomes the current version. Repeat this procedure if necessary.


2. Wikis in the Portal Manager (for Portal Masters only)

As a Portal Master or a Content Manageryou can make the following settings concerning wikis:
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Network & Community > Wiki.
  3. From the selection box Menu choose the menu, in which the wiki yhould be located.
    Note: Before members are able to write wiki articles a wiki menu must be selected.
  4. Choose in the area Menu Selection how members deal with sub menus.
  5. Choose in the area Groups who is allowed to access the wiki articles.
  6. Choose from the selection box Template the template on which the wikis should be based.
  7. Choose from the selection box Homepage the homepage type which should bne used.
  8. Activate the checkbox Lead Story if a leading story above all wiki articles and elements should be displayed.
    Note: This setting can be combined with the Homepage of the wikis.
  9. Click the button Save when ready.
In the area User Role(s) you can select which users with which roles can access the wikis.
  1. Choose from the selection box Roles the desired role.
  2. Click the button Add.
  3. If required repeat this procedure.

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