Users & Contacts

v9.0 - Last Mod.: 08/02/2017
With SITEFORUM Users and Contacts you manage all information about your users. You also define access rights and/or user groups here.
Note: You need to have the roles "Contact Manager" or "Portal Master."

1. Overview

There are comprehensive managing options available in the user administration.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Marketing & CRM > Users & Contacts.
  3. In the navigation on the left click Overview.
You can choose between several tabs, which filter the users.

1.1 Quick Search

  1. Click the tab Quick Search.
  2. Enter in the field a keyword like last name, email address or company.
  3. Click the button Search.
All matching entries will be listed.


1.2 Access Rights

  1. Click the tab Access Rights.
  2. Click the tab User Groups, User Roles or Permissions, depending on what you are looking for.
  3. From the selection box choose either the group, role or permission.
  4. Click the button Search.
All matching entries will be listed.


1.3 Memberships

  1. Click the tab Memberships.
  2. From the selection box choose the desired membership.
  3. Click the button Search.
All matching entries will be listed.


1.4 Categories

  1. Click the tab Categories.
  2. From the window choose the desired category.
    To select several categories hold the Ctrl-key.
  3. Choose between or/and below the window.
  4. Click the button Search.
All matching entries will be listed.


1.5 Advanced Search

  1. Click the tab Advanced Search.
  2. Combine different search criteria with each other.
    Note: With the selection boxes AND/OR you can associate the different search criteria.
  3. Click the button Search.
All matching entries will be listed.


1.6 Search Results

As far as search results exist they are listed:
  • Checkbox Activate checkboxes in the first column to execute an mass operation with the chosen contacts, q.v. 1.7 Mass Operation.
  • Last Name, First Name Shows the name of the user.
  • Company Shows the company of the user.
  • Email Shows the email address of the user.
  • Salutation Shows the corresponding salutation.
  • Actions Shows a list of possible actions to manage users:
    • Details By clicking the icon you get to the details of the user, q.v. 2. Details.
    • Access Rights By clicking the icon you get to the access rights, q.v. 5.1 Access Rights.
    • Memberships By clicking the icon you get to the memberships, q.v. 1.3 Memberships.
    • Edit By clicking the icon you get to the editing mode, q.v. 4 Edit User.
    • Delete By clicking the icon you can delete the user, q.v. 5.3 Delete User.

1.7 Mass Operation

Below the listing of the search results, in the area Mass operation with selected contacts, you can accomplish the following mass operations:
  1. Activate the option
    • Select all from this page to select all users shown on this page or
    • Select all results (134 results) to select all existing results.
  2. From the selection box Select mass oepration choose the desired mass operation.
  3. Click the button Next.
Copy to user group
  1. From the selection box choose the desired user group.
  2. Click the button Start.
Remove from user group
  1. From the selection box choose the desired user group.
  2. Click the button Start.
Assign to user role
  1. From the selection box choose the role which you want to assign to the contacts.
  2. Click the button Start.
Remove from user role
  1. From the selection box choose the user role you want to remove from the users.
  2. Click the button Start.
Copy to category
  1. Choose from the selection box the category in which you want to copy the contacts.
  2. Click the button Start.
Move to category
  1. From the selection box choose the category in which you want to move the contacts.
  2. Click the button Start.
Remove from category
  1. From the selection box choose the category from which you want remove the contacts.
  2. Click the button Start.
Activate contacts
Warning: The activation runs immediately after the click on the button Next.
You get a confirmation after a successful activation of the user.

Activate contacts/Force password and profile change after first login
Warning: The activation runs immediately after the click on the button Next.
You get a confirmation after a successful activation of the user.

Force password and profile change after first login
Warning: The activation runs immediately after the click on the button Next.
You get a confirmation after a successful activation.

Resend activation mail

Click the button Start.

Send Email
  1. Enter in the field Name your name.
    Note: The system automatically gives your name if you are "Portal Master" or "Contact Manager".
  2. Enter in the field Email your email address.
    Note: The system automatically gives your email address if you are "Portal Master" or "Contact Manager".
  3. Enter in the field Subject a subject.
  4. Enter in the field Message body the message.
    Note: You can use placeholders to e.g. personalize the email (, , $company).
  5. Click the button Send.
Send SMS
Note: To send a SMS to selected users you need SMS credits.
  1. Enter the SMS data.
  2. Click the button Send.
Note: Having too low credits gives you the advice "Not enough SMS credits available." To get more credits please send us an email to

Edit status
  1. Mark the status you need to edit
  2. Choose an action: add or remove
  3. Click the button Start when ready.
Assign to membership
  1. Select a membership from the drop-down box
  2. Select the time period for the membership assignment in the corresponding boxes: start date and end date
  3. Click the button Start when ready.
Remove from membership
  1. Select a membership from the drop-down box
  2. Click the button Start when ready.
Modify Field
  1. From the selection box Field Name choose the field you want to modify.
  2. Enter in the field Field Value the new value.
  3. Click the button Start.
Change language/time zone
  1. Activate the desired checboxes which you want to change:
    • Preferred Language and/or
    • Time Zone
  2. In the area Preferred Language choose from the selection box the desired language.
  3. In the area Time Zone choose from the selection box the desired time zone.
  4. Click the button Start.
Assign to account
  1. Enter in the field Account Name the name of the account you want to assign.
  2. Choose the desired account from the list.
  3. If required, activate checkbox to remove all existing account relations.
  4. Click the button Start.
*.csv Export
Warning: The export runs immediately after the clicking the link Next.
  1. Click the link DOWNLOAD "export.csv"
  2. Open the file or save it on your system.
  • Confirm the erasing procedure by clicking the button OK.

2. Details

To view details of a user, you must be logged in as "Portal Master" or "Contact Manager."
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Marketing & CRM > Users & Contacts.
  3. Enter a keyword in the field of the Quick Search or use one of the other search options, q.v. 1. Overview.
  4. Choose the desired user from the results.
  5. Click the icon Details.
You get to the user data of the user.

2.1 View

In the View you can choose between different views by clicking the particular tab:
  • User Data Shows the basic user data.
  • Business Data Shows the business details.
  • Contact Data Shows different contact details.
  • Shipping Addresses Shows shipping addresses, if available.
  • Password Settings concerning the password can be made here.
    Note: For "Portal Masters" only.
  • Profile Image Shows an image of the user.

2.2 Edit

  1. In the View click Edit in the navigation to the left.
  2. Click the tab of which you want to edit the content.
  3. Edit the data as desired.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.
If neccessary repeat this procedure with another tab.


2.3 Activities

  • In the View click Statistics in the navigation to the left.
Here you can view different activities of the user.


2.4 Portal View

  • In the View click Portal View in the navigation to the left.
Here you view the profile of the member in the network.


2.5 Password

  1. In the View click the tab Password.
  2. In the area Current Status you see the current status of the user.
  3. In the area New Settings choose, if required, a new status.
  4. If required, enter in the field New Password a new password:
    1. Activate the checkbox in front of the password field.
    2. Use the password given by the system or enter a new one in the field.
  5. In the area Login allowed select, if the user is allowed to login or not.
  6. Click the button Save when ready.

3. Add User

You have two possibilities to add a new user:
  • Under 3.1 Add you get to the detailed form in which you enter information about contact, address and login.
  • Under 3.2 Add (quickly) you get to a short form in which you simply enter name and login information. You can of course complete all further data any time.
To add a user please log in as "Portal Master" or "Contact Manager."
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Marketing & CRM > Users & Contacts.

3.1 Add

  1. In the navigation on the left click Add.
  2. Enter all important information.
    Note: Fields marked with a star (*) are mandatory fields and need to be filled out.
  3. Click the button Save when ready.

3.2 Add (quickly)

  1. In the navigation on the left click Add (quickly).
  2. Enter all important information.
    Note: Fields marked with a star (*) are mandatory fields and need to be filled out.
  3. Click the button Save when ready.

4. Edit User

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Marketing & CRM > Users & Contacts.
  3. Use one of the search functions to select the desired user, q.v. 1. Overview.
  4. Click the icon Details.
In the navigation on the left there are now further settings available for the chosen user.


4.1 Edit

  1. In the navigation on the left, below the Name of the user click Edit.
  2. Select the tab of which data you want to edit.
  3. Click the button Save when ready.

4.2 Categorize

With categories used in the whole portal you can assign single attributes to the user.
  1. In the navigation on the left click Categorize.
    In the table above assigned categories are listed. To delete these categories click the icon Delete.
  2. Activate in the area Categories the categories you want to assign to the user.
  3. Click the button Save when ready.

4.3 Subscriptions

You can subscribe a user to content, forum messages, documents in folders of the DMS, campaigns and notifications.
  1. In the navigation on the left click Subscriptions.
  2. In the area Send System Emails you can deactivate the system emails of all elements.
Tab General
  1. Activate in the area Subscribe Content in the column menu(s) the desired menu(s).
    Click the cross in front of the menu to view and activate submenus if required.
  2. Activate in the column Subscribe to future submenus too the menus if you want to assign possible submenus to the subscription.
  3. Click the button Save when ready.
    The user gets an email as soon as new content is added in the subscribed menu.
Tab Forum
  1. Activate in the area Subscribe Discussion the desired forum(s).
  2. Click the button Save when ready.
    The user gets an email as soon as new messages are placed in the subscribed forum(s).
Tab Documents
  1. Activate in the area Subscribe Folders the desired folder(s).
  2. Click the button Save when ready.
    The user gets an email as soon as new files are uploaded in the subscribed folder.
Tab Campaigns
  1. Activate in the area Subscribe Campaign the desired campaign(s).
  2. Click the button Save when ready.
    The user gets an email as soon as subscribed campaign is sent.
Tab Notifications
  1. Activate in the area Settings the desired notifications.
  2. Click the button Save when ready.
    The user gets an email as soon as a chosen activity takes place.

4.4 Memberships

  1. In the navigation on the left click Memberships.
  2. Choose from the selection box Membership the desired membership. For details on memberships see network & Community > memberships.
  3. Choose from the selection box in the area Start Date the begin of the membership.
  4. Choose from the selection box in the area Expiry Date the end of the membership.
  5. Click the button Save when ready.

4.5 History

  • In the navigation on the left click History.
    As far as a history exists you get the following table:
  • Date/Time Shows the exact time of the details.
  • Initiator Shows the initiator of the detail.
  • Subject Shows the subject.
  • Priority Shows the priority.
  • Details By clicking the link you can view the details.
To add a new detail, please do the following in the area Create new detail in contact history:
  1. Enter in the field Subject a subject.
  2. Enter in the field Details some details.
  3. From the selection box Priority choose the priority.
  4. Click the button Save detail when ready.

5. Security

In this section you make settings for user groups and roles, permissions, password settings, etc. To edit a user he has to be selected before.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Marketing & CRM > Users & Contacts.
  3. In the navigation on the left click Overview.
  4. Use the search function to select the desired user, q.v. 1. Overview.
  5. Click the icon Access Rights.

5.1 Access Rights

Tab User Groups
  1. Click the tab User Groups.
  2. Activate in the area User Groups the user group(s) to which you want to add the selected user.
  3. Click the button Save when ready.
Attention: User groups have to exist already. They cannot be created in this menu.

Tab User Roles
  1. Click the tab User Roles.
    You get an overview of all roles which possess the selected user already.
  2. Click the Button Show all roles.
  3. Activate the roles which you want to assign to the user.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.
To get back to the overview of the assigned roles click the link Show only assigned roles.
  • Click the link Show inherited roles to see how user roles are connected with each other.
  • Click the link Show permissions to see which permissions contain the assigned user roles.
  • Click the link Hide permissions to get back to the overview of the assigned roles without any permissions.
Tab Permissions
  • Click the tab Permissions.
    All permissions of the user are listed.

5.2 Login as user

As "Portal Master" you have the possibility to login directly as the chosen user. This makes sense if e.g. a new user has problems in his portal.
Note You have to accept pop-up windows to use this functionality. Temporary login has to be activated under Tools & Administration > Portal Settings > Login & Password.
  1. In the navigation on the left, below Security click Login as user.
  2. Click the button OK to confirm, that your sessions gets closed.
After a successful login you can move freely in the portal in the view of the user.


5.3 Delete user

  1. In the navigation on the left, below Security click Delete user.
  2. Confirm the erasing procedure by clicking the button OK.
All individual-related data get deleted in the database.


6. Registration Profiles

For the help of the registration profiles please click Services > Documentation > Tools & Administration > Portal Settings, there see 3. Registration Profiles.


7. Roll-Up

The user roll-up allows you to select different users as a source and connect them to a single target user.

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Marketing & CRM > Users & Contacts.
  3. In the navigation on the left click Roll-Up.
  4. Click into the Selected Users field and select a user as source.
  5. Choose which data are to be transferred from the different areas.
    • Note: You can repeat this step with as many source users as you want. In order to delete a source user, simply click the x icon.
  6. Click into the Target field and select a target user.
  7. Click Next.
    • Note: Please note that the source users that are selected to be merged will be deleted irreversably after the merge.
  8. Click on Roll-Up in order to confirm merging the users.

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