Academy story


v5.1 - Last Mod.: 09/20/2007
The file system enables you to upload and manage files such as logos, images or documents into your portal. The main index of your portal is

TIP: Take a look at the animated video manuals to this topic.
Note: To work in the file systemyou must be logged in as "Portal Master."

1. File Structure

The files and folders, which are placed in the root directory, are accessible through an Internet browser. You can create as many folders and subfolders as you need, and all folders can contain files.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
Warning: Portal Masters also sees the folder tree Private folder.
You have the following possibilities in the main window:
  • Add folder Add a new folder.
    1. Enter in the field the name of the new folder.
    2. Click the button Add Folder.
  • Add File Add a new file.
    1. Click the button Add File.
    2. Enter in the field the new name of the file.
    3. Click the button Add File.
  • Create .zip file Compress a folder to a .zip file.
    1. Mark a file or a folder by clicking the symbol in the first row with the left mouse button.
      The file or the folder is marked blue.
    2. Click the button Create .zip file.
    3. Enter in the field Name of archive the name of the .zip file.
    4. Choose the compression mode from the selection box (0 = none, 5 = normal, 9 = maximum).
    5. Click the button Create archive.
  • Copy Copy the file or the folder.
    1. Mark a file or a folder by clicking the symbol in the first row with the left mouse button.
      The file or the folder is marked blue.
    2. Click the button Copy.
      The file or the folder is now copied to the clipboard.
    3. Click down to the folder in which you want to paste the file or the folder.
    4. Click the button Paste.
      The file or the folder is now pasted in the chosen folder.
  • Cut Cut out files or folders.
    1. Mark a file or a folder by clicking the symbol in the first row with the left mouse button.
      The file or the folder is marked blue.
    2. Click the button Cut.
      The file or the folder is now cut to the clipboard.
    3. Click down to the folder in which you want to paste the file or the folder.
    4. Click the button Paste.
      The file or the folder is now pasted in the chosen folder and is not in the original folder anymore.
  • Paste Paste copied or cut files or folders in other folders.
    1. You already copied a file or a folder in the clipboard.
    2. Click down to the folder in which you want to paste the file or the folder.
    3. Click the button Paste.
      The file or the folder is now pasted in the chosen folder.
  • Delete Delete files or folders.
    1. Mark a file or a folder by clicking the symbol in the first row with the left mouse button.
      The file or the folder is marked blue.
    2. Click the button Delete.
      The file or the folder is now deleted.

    3. Attention: There is no recycle bin. Deleted files cannot be restored.
  • Clear clipboard By clicking this button you clear the clipboard.
  • Touch Touch the file to update the date.
    1. Mark a file or a folder by clicking the symbol in the first row with the left mouse button.
      The file or the folder is marked blue.
    2. Click the button Touch.
      Date and time are updated.

2. Preset Folders

After a successful portal installation, preset files are available to you.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
You get a list of the following files:
  • design The portal's design files
  • icons Icons for the portal design
  • story_images Image files for stories
  • logo_images The portal's logo files
  • product_images Product images for the online shop
The following folders are created after certain functions have been called up.
  • dtmp The portal's backup files
  • export Optimized XHTML files for search machines
  • export_shop Exported files of the shop
  • feed_export As soon as feeds are created (RSS or Atom) this folder gets created
  • story_docs As soon as you create a new story in the CMS this folder gets created
    You can file documents here to be linked to stories.
  • xml Exported XML content
Note: To link to all files in this folder the file path can be used.


3. Edit Files

Depending of the file type you have different possibilities zu edit a file. I.e. you can open, edit and save a .html file in the SEO editor and a .css file in the CSS Manager. The way to get there is the same:
  1. Log in as Portal Master.
  2. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  3. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
  4. Choose the file you want to edit.
  5. Click the icon Edit on the right side of the table.
A context sensitive window with the following commands opens up:
  • Rename Enter a new name and click the button.
  • Copy Copy the file in the clipboard and paste it in another folder.
  • Cut Cut out a file and paste it in another folder.
  • Delete Delete the file.
  • Touch Update date and time of the file.
  • Edit Edit e.g. a .txt or .html file directly in this window.
  • Open file Open the file directly in this window.
  • Download Download the file and save it on your computer/system.

4. Edit Images

With the integrated Image Tool you can edit images with the format .gif, .jpg and .png directly in SITEFORUM, without using another programm.
  1. Login as "Portal Master."
  2. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  3. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
  4. Choose the image file you want to edit.
  5. Click the icon Edit on the right of the table.
  6. Click the command Edit.
For further information q.v. Support End User > Tools & Administration > Image Tool.


5. Add Folder

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
  3. Click the icon Edit on the right side of the table.
  4. Choose the level on which you want to create a new folder.
  5. Click the button Add Folder.
  6. Enter in the field the name of the folder.
  7. Click the button Add Folder.

6. Rename Folder

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
  3. Choose the folder you want to rename.
  4. Click the icon Edit on the right of the table.
  5. Click the command Rename.
  6. Enter in the field the new name.
  7. Click the button Rename.

7. Upload Files

You can upload files to every open folder.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
  3. Choose the level in which you want to upload the new file.
  4. Click the button Browse.
  5. Select a file from your local computer or system.
  6. Click the button Upload to upload the file to the portal server.
    You will receive a confirmation after a successful upload.
Note: Upload time depends on the size of the file. Large files should be uploaded as zip files, q.v. 8. Upload and extract zip files.
Warning: Please note the file volume limit of your portal. It is displayed graphically in the upper right hand corner. If the maximum volume has been exceeded, please contact your system administrator or the main person responsible for your portal.

8. Upload and extract zip Files

A folder that contains several files can be compressed into a *.zip file, uploaded into the File Manager and automatically unpacked there.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
  3. Click the button Browse.
  4. Select a .zip file from your local computer or system.
  5. Click the button Upload to upload the file to the portal server.
    You will receive a confirmation after a successful upload.
    Note: Upload time depends on the size of the file.
  6. Click the icon Edit on the right side of the table.
  7. Click the command Extract.
    The folder is placed on the same level with the same name as the .zip file.
Note: After the extraction the .zip file does still exist on the same level.


9. Copy Files

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
  3. Select the file or the folder you want to move.
  4. Click the icon Edit on the right side of the table.
  5. Click the command Copy.
    The file is marked red and is now in the clipboard.
  6. Click down to the folder in which you want to paste the file or the folder.
  7. Click the button Paste.
    The file is now pasted in the chosen folder.
Note: While copying the file the original file persists. While cutting a file the original file is gone.

10. View Files

You can view images in the sile system.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
On the top right side of the window you find the context sensitive button Preferences. Roll over with the mouse and you get the following possibilities:
  • Startpage You get back on the level Public folder no matter where you are.
  • List view > Standard You see the standard view of files and folders: Icons of the extensions.
  • List view > With image icons In the first row Type you get midget previews of images.
  • Thumbnail view > 80 x 80 Pixel You get a preview of the images in 80 x 80 Pixel.
  • Thumbnail view > 160 x 160 Pixel You get a preview of the images in 160 x 160 Pixel.
  • Thumbnail view > 320 x 320 Pixel You get a preview of the images in 320 x 320 Pixel.
  • Thumbnail view > Original size You get a preview of the images in the original size.

11. Delete Files or Folders

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Files.
  3. Select the file or the folder you want to delete.
  4. Click the icon Edit on the right side of the table.
  5. Click the command Delete.
  6. Confirm the erasing procedure by clicking the button OK.
Warning: There is no recycle bin. Deleted files cannot be restored.


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