Academy story

Registration Profile

v6.4 - Last Mod.: 08/10/2011
In this section you can conduct important basic settings which you can change at any time.
Note: To be able to work here please log in as "Portal Master."

1. Registration Profiles

In this section you can individually customize registration profiles so visitors can enroll indepentently. You decide which fields are active and obligatory.

Please log in as "Portal Master."
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Tools & Administration > Portal Settings.
  3. In the navigation on the left, below Logins& Passwords, click Registration Profiles.
You get the overview of all profiles. There are four different profiles by default.
  • Name/ID Shows the name of the profile and the corresponding ID.
    By clicking the name you get to the editing mode, q.v. 2.1 Edit.
  • Description Shows a description of the profile.
  • Edit By clicking the icon you get to the editing mode.
  • Manage Fields By clicking the icon you can manage the field of the profile, q.v. 2.2 Manage Fields.
  • Delete By clicking the icon you can delete the profile.
There are two types of profiles:
  • Profils which are used by administrators only in the Portal Manager, Marketing & CRM, to add new users (Add User (for administrators), Add Users (quickly) (for administrators))
  • Profils which are used by the users themselves if they register newly on the website or update their profile (Edit contact profile, Edit personal profile, Sign up form).

1.1 Edit

To edit a profile please do the following:
  1. Click either the Name of the profile or the icon Edit.
    Below the overview a list opens up in which you can change headline and description of the different registration steps. The first line Profile ID shows the ID of the profile, which is set by the system and cannot be changed.
  2. Edit in each step the fields Headline and Description.
    Note: Use plain HTML code in all fields.
    You can modify the following steps (dependent on the chosen profile):
    • Create Profile When a new user gets created.
    • Profile Created When a new user was created.
    • Update Profile When a profile gets updated.
    • Profile Updated When a profile was updated.
    • Profile Show When a profile gets displayed.
  3. Enter in the area Welcome email for newly generated users the fields Email subject, Email sender and Email body with the correspondig content.
    Note: If these fields are empty, then the email body of the corresponding system email will be used. Herewith you can overwrite the email body of certain profiles.
  4. In the area Placeholder you see the placeholders, which you can use in the fields.
  5. Click the button Save when ready.

1.2 Manage Fields

Here you can modify the fields of each profile.
  1. In the overview click the icon Manage Fields of the desired profile.
  2. By clicking the arrows in the column Pos. you can change the positions of the fields.
  3. By cklicking the Type you can assign a news type for this field:
    1. Choose from the selection box Select Field Type the desired type.
    2. If required specify Field Options.
    3. Click the button Save.
  4. Activate the checkboxes, if the field should be active:
    • On Create
    • On Update
    • On Show
  5. Activate the option Mandatory when the field should be a mandatory field.
  6. Click the icon Delete if you want to delete the field from the profile.
  7. Choose in the area User Groups the user group(s) to which users can selfenroll to.
  8. Choose in the area Campaigns the campaign(s) users can selfenroll to.
  9. Click the button Save when ready.
In the area Switch language selection to you can change the language of your administrative surface. Just click the desired language.


1.3 Standard Fields

In this section you can change and manage the standard field translations as well as the field types.
  1. Click the tab Standard Fields.
    In the column Field Name you see default labels for entries coming from the database.
  2. Enter in the field Translation the translation you want to provid in the profile.
    Note: You can use the input fields to translate the field names into another language.
  3. By clicking the link Field Type you can change the field type:
    1. From the selection box Select Field Type choose the desired field type.
    2. Enter in the field Specify Field Options separated by ; the options.
      Note: Separate them with a semicolon, e.g. Mr;Mrs;Ms.
    3. Click the button Save when ready.
      Note: To reset the field type back to a text field, click the link Reset Field Type.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.
  5. If required enter in the field Add Field a new field.
  6. Enter in the field Translation a translation for the new field.
  7. Click the button Add to add the new field.
In the area Switch language selection to: you can change the language of your administrative surface. Just click the desired language.



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